Racial Justice
Caring for God's People
Christian Love
A hymn for Racial Justice Sunday by John Campbell inspired by 1 Corinthians 13.4-7
Christian love is not romantic,
not soft-focussed, twee or sweet,
Christian love’s not ‘likes’, nor dating,
far more real than text or tweet.
Christian love means life-long struggle;
lived-out kindness ev’rywhere.
Christian love must echo Jesus:
selfless, soulful, steeped in prayer.
Christian love respects the other,
seeks to understand, not judge;
takes delight in mutual learning
doesn’t force and doesn’t fudge.
Christian love’s an arduous journey,
finding self by giving all;
serving, sharing, helping, caring;
full response to Jesus’ call.
Christian love cries out for justice
wheresoever it’s denied;
joins the struggle, makes the protest,
stays the course, eyes open wide.
Christian love rejects what’s racist,
sexist, ageist, prejudiced,
turns against each nurtured bias,
learning daily to resist.
Christian love is learned from Jesus,
walks his way and bears his cross;
self-surrenders, like our Saviour;
gains much more than what is lost.
Christian love is so persistent,
it outlasts all other things;
by its hope, its faith, its struggle,
it’s the song all heaven sings!

Outdoor service in
St Paul's churchyard marking
Racial Justice Sunday 2021
Click here to watch the service.

Article in Platinum magazine May 2021
One Year On... what has changed?
Gemma Calvert speaks to Black women in Britain, including our parishioner
Denize Belingy, on the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd.
Racial Justice Action Group
In January 2021 the first meeting of the Racial Justice action group was held. The group meets to discuss what action needs to be taken to ensure we are an inclusive community. Please get in touch via the Parish Office if you would like to be involved in this action group.
Our mission statement:
The Racial Justice Action Group at St Paul’s strives for inclusion and justice. We seek to engage our worshipping community by coming together to celebrate our diversity and by encouraging conversations on matters of historical and current, moral concern. We pray for an end to racial discrimination and strive for a world of racial justice and harmony.
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8